First Name
Last Name
Email Address
Phone Number
Emergency Contact Person Name and Phone Number
Relationship Status:
In a relationship
Please tell us in detail where you have spent time in the last 3 weeks. Be as specific as possible in regards to travel.
Who is the closest person/people to you who has COVID-19 symptoms or is a confirmed case?
For example: My boss, but I haven't been in contact with them for 3 weeks or there are three confirmed cases in my town.
What have you been doing to prevent your exposure to COVID-19?
Do you have any standing health issues that place you in the COVID-19 "high risk" category? If yes please explain in detail. Also add why even with this ailment you would still like to come to Sat Manav.
This includes, but is not limited to, respiratory issues, a heart condition, diabetes.
Nationality and/or religious and/or spiritual background:
How will you be arriving?
In my own car
Rental car
Ride from someone
Custom Arrival Date
Pre-approval must be granted.
Custom Departure Date
Pre-approval must be aquired.
How will you be departing?
My own car
Rental car
Ride from someone
What kind of car will you be driving? Our access road can be snowy/muddy. 4 wheel drive, good ground clearanceis highly recommended. We will be in touch about the best place to park if we feel your vehicle is not well suited for our road.
Where will you be traveling from?
This information allows us to know your travel time and your route to the Ashram. USE THE DIRECTIONS provided under "Contact". GPS is VERY unreliable. Google Maps thinks that a logging road that does in fact lead to the ashram is an actual road. It is not passable unless you are in a very large truck. We have had to pull people out of the mud/snow on numerous occasions, after we drive 30 minutes to locate them. PLEASE HEAD THIS WARNING. The Ashram is not hard to find IF you use our directions!
You will be emailed the link to our directions once your stay is confirmed, or they can be found under "Contact" on our website. If you follow your GPS and get lost we reserve the right to charge you a minimum of $25/hour to come find you. (Yes, that is how much people don't listen, follow their GPS and get hopelessly lost and/or stuck.) Thank you for not doing that!
Where do you live (if different from above)?
Do you have any of the following:
Mobility issues
Problems with stairs
Difficulty climbing up hills
Regular vertigo
None of the above
Dietary needs or limitations?
What is your current job or occupation?
The more we know about you the more we can give you while you are with us!
Are you satisfied with your current job/ occupation?
This information is very important for us to understand "where you're coming from" in your current state of health, stress level and fulfillment.
If you answered 'No' to the last question, please help us understand the reasons why you are not satisfied with your current job/occupation:
It is not what I like to do
It is not what I am skilled (studied for) to do
It is too far from home
I have to work more hours then I can deal with
I stay indoors for too long
I have social difficulties with my coworkers
I would like to have my own business
Other reasons
If you chose 'other reasons", please let us know what are they.
What is your current Yoga/Meditation/Spiritual practice experience?
Why were you looking for a retreat?
What do you hope to get out of this Retreat?
Do you have any experience being off grid and/or fully immersed in nature?
We ask because some people find themselves uncomfortable without access to wifi, central air, traditional plumbing, etc and we like to be sure you will be able to fully enjoy your stay!
Do you anticipate you will find it challenging to be so far from "city life" and the modern comforts it offers?
Our accommodations are very comfortable, but there is minimal access to electricity. We have composting toilets and hand pumped water and hot showers. We don't want you to arrive and get a unwelcome surprise!
These additional offerings are available to you during your retreat.
Subject to availability. Cooking classes are not available on weekends.
Additional Private Yoga class (45m, $50)
Abhyanga Oilation Massage (1h, $90)
Vashi Yoga Massage (1h, $90)
Health & Natural Diet Consultation (1h, $90)
Health & Natural Diet Consultation (2h, $160)
Vegan Cooking Class (2h, $100)
Raw Vegan 'Cooking' Class (1.5h, $75)
What made you choose us?
I would like to pay for my retreat online BEFORE I arrive.
I would like to pay for my retreat with CASH or CHECK upon arrival.
I understand I need to pay a deposit in order to hold my spot. (A link to do so will be emailed to you, if you have not made a deposit already.)
I agree to the Terms and Conditions and to follow the General Guidelines of Sat Manav Yoga Ashram.
I will not hold Sat Manav responsible in the event of any kind of injury or illness.
I understand Sat Manav reserves the right to have me leave at any time.
I understand that in the event I become ill during my stay I will have to leave immediately.
I have had no Coronavirus like symptoms for a minimum of 2.5 weeks.
I understand that I CANNOT rely on my GPS bring me successfully to the Ashram. I will use the directions that you provide.
I understand that alcohol, marijuana (in any form), cigarettes, all recreational drugs, non-vegan foods, onions and garlic are strictly prohibited.
Cancellation and Refund Policy
I understand and agree to the cancellation and refund policy: Sat Manav Yoga Ashram requires payment in full 1 month prior to your retreat date to confirm your registration. A full refund, minus a $30 processing fee, will only be given for cancellations made 2 weeks or more before the retreat. There will be no financial compensation for late arrival or early departure.