243 Greenwood Brook Road, Industry, ME, 04938, USA
Call (207) 485-1228 or (207) 542-6606

Our Philosophy

Our Yoga Retreat Philosophy

Sat (truth) Manav (human being) Yoga (the process of union) is the process of becoming a true human being.

In keeping with Yogic tradition, our retreats are not intended to be a simple getaway, but a life-changing experience. Sat Manav Yoga is a complete system of living, for all walks and ways of life, fulfilling Yoga's original intention: to find true and lasting happiness for the benefit of all beings! 

For millennia, Yogis have utilized retreats as an immersion into spiritual sadhana (practice) unhindered by the distractions of everyday life. We take that traditional approach. We use every environmental factor to help our retreatants attain a deep experience of sadhana; from the temples and shrines, rushing mountain streams, and vegan fare, to the overall tranquil emanations of being in a secluded place surrounded by nature and people devoted to attaining true fulfillment through Yoga. To allow for a truly individual experience we keep our guest counts low. We typically have 2-4 people during the week, 2-7 people on the weekend, not including our day guests or larger event weekends.

Our retreats focus on identifying, embodying and living our true purpose as humans: to experience and emanate fulfillment for the benefit of all beings. They are entirely supported by full-time practitioners who follow the traditional path of Yoga, living and studying with our Gurus Sri Bhagavan VaShi Baba and Sri Mirabai Ishwari. We are not instructors leading classes, but Yogis sharing our heartfelt experience and deepest passion.

The main intention of our retreats is to assist in the establishment, or deepening, of a daily practice for all who join us. Through daily, focused attention you can reach a state of fulfillment, becoming a positive point of emanation in the universe!

Our retreats are not "vacations" to simply step away from your life to de-stress, but an intensive experience for you to step into the life you long for! See our “Choose Your Retreat” page to book yours! Don't wait!

New to Sat Manav? Please read our Introduction page to learn a little more about a stay at the Ashram.
